The family's history begins in Insterburg (modern day Cernachowsk/Tschernjachowsk in the Russian part of former East Prussia) with Anna Euphrosyne and Johann Adam Judeich. Johan Adam Judeich was a guard at the castle of Insterburg which served, at that time, as a salt deposit.
According to one of Anna Euphrosyne's letters to her son Thomas, she was born in 1701 at Pentecost. Anna Euphrosyne and Johann Adam Judeich were not registered in Intersburg's baptismal register. Thus, they must have been born outside of Insterburg.
Lovisa Judeich birth was the first birth of a Judeich to be mentioned in a document. She was born in Insterburg on September 29th, 1729. She was baptized and registered in the Lutheran Church (picture) of Insterburg. The documented history of the Judeich family begins in 1729 in this church.